Slovenian Business Portal


Overview of key business legislation

Act Implementing the Customs Legislation of the European UnionZakon o izvajanju carinske zakonodaje Evropske unije – ZICZEU (Ur.l. RS 32/16)
Code of ObligationsObligacijski zakonik – OZ (Ur.l. RS 97/07*, 64/16, 20/18)
Foreign Exchange ActZakon o deviznem poslovanju – ZDP-2 (Ur.l. RS 16/08, 85/09, 109/12, 145/22 – ZPPDFT-2A
Payment Services, Services of Issuing Electronic Money and Payment Systems ActZakon o plačilnih storitvah, storitvah izdajanja elektronskega denarja in plačilnih sistemih – ZPlaSSIED (Ur.l. RS 7/18, 9/18 – corr., 102/20)
Act Regulating a Supportive Environment for EntrepreneurshipZakon o podpornem okolju za podjetništvo - ZPOP(Ur.l. RS 102/07, 57/12, 82/13, 17/15, 27/17,13/18 – ZSInv, 40/23 – ZZrID-A)
Investment Promotion ActZakon o spodbujanju investicij – ZSInv (Ur.l. RS 13/18,  204/21), 29/22)
Decree on the method of determining the conditions and criteria for allocating investment incentives and conditions for strategic investment Uredba o načinu ugotavljanja pogojev in meril za dodelitev investicijskih spodbud ter pogojev za strateško investicijo (Ur.l. RS 47/18, 191/20, 36/21,26/22)
Promotion of Balanced Regional Development ActZakon o spodbujanju skladnega regionalnega razvoja – ZSRR-2 (Ur.l. RS 20/11, 57/12 in 46/16, 18/23 – ZDU-1O)
Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate and Remedy the Consequences of the COVID-19 EpidemicZakon o interventnih ukrepih za omilitev in odpravo posledic epidemije COVID-19 (Ur.l. RS 80/20152/20 – ZZUOOP, 175/20 – ZIUOPDVE, 203/20 – ZIUPOPDVE in 15/21 – ZDUOP) 175/20 – ZIUOPDVE, 203/20 – ZIUPOPDVE,  15/21 – ZDUOP, 112/21 – ZIUPGT,  206/21 – ZDUPŠOP)
Financial Instruments Market ActZakon o trgu finančnih instrumentov – ZTFI-1 (Ur.l. RS 77/1817/19 – corr., 66/19, 123/21)
Investment Funds and Management Companies ActZakon o investicijskih skladih in družbah za upravljanje – ZISDU-3 (Ur.l. RS 31/15, 81/15, 77/16, 77/18, 161/21, 101/22 – ZOAIS)
Alternative Investment Fund Managers ActZakon o upravljavcih alternativnih investicijskih skladov – ZUAIS (Ur.l. RS 32/15, 77/18, 161/21, 101/22 – ZOAIS)
Slovenian Sovereign Holding ActZakon o Slovenskem državnem holdingu – ZSDH-1 (Ur.l. RS 25/14,  140/22)
Book Entry Securities ActZakon o nematerializiranih vrednostnih papirjih – ZNVP-1 (Ur.l. RS 75/15, 74/16 – ORZNVP48, 5/17, 15/18, 43/19)
Banking ActZakon o bančništvu – ZBan-3 (Ur.l. RS 92/2021, 123/21 – ZBNIP)
Takeovers ActZakon o prevzemih – ZPre-1 (Ur.l. RS 67/07-ZTFI, 1/08, 68/08, 35/11, 55/11, 105/11, 10/12, 38/12, 56/13, 63/13– ZS-K, 25/14, 75/15)
Prevention of the Restriction of Competition ActZakon o preprečevanju omejevanja konkurence – ZPOmK-2 (Ur.l. RS 130/22)
Decree defining the contents for the notification form for the concentration of undertakingsUredba o vsebini obrazca za priglasitev koncentracije podjetij (Ur.l. RS 36/09, 3/14,  130/22 – ZPOmK-2)
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing ActZakon o preprečevanju pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma (Ur.l. RS , )
Public Finance ActZakon o javnih financah – ZJF (Ur.l. RS 11/11*, 14/13 - corr., 101/13, 55/15 – ZfisP, 96/15 – ZIPRS1617, 13/18, 195/20,18/23 – ZDU-1O)
Act on Services in the Internal MarketZakon o storitvah na notranjem trgu – ZSNT (Ur.l. RS 21/10)
Companies ActZakon o gospodarskih družbah – ZGD-1 (Ur.l. RS 65/09*, 33/11, 91/11, 32/12, 57/12, 44/13, 82/13, 55/15, 15/17, 22/19 – ZPosS, 158/20 – ZIntPK-C, 18/21, 18/23 – ZDU-1O)
Court Register ActZakon o sodnem registru – ZSReg (Ur.l. RS, 54/07*, 65/08, 49/09, 82/13-ZGD-1H, 17/15, 54/17, 16/19 – ZNP-1)
Decree on entry of companies and other legal entities in the court registerUredba o vpisu družb in drugih pravnih oseb v sodni register (Ur.l. RS 43/07, 5/10, 25/14, 54/15, 1/18)
Decree on the Standard Classification of ActivitiesUredba o standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti (Ur.l. RS 69/07, 17/08)
Public Procurement ActZakon o javnem naročanju – ZJN-3 (Ur.l. RS 91/15, 14/18,  121/21,  10/22), 74/22, 100/22 – ZNUZSZS,  28/23)
Legal Protection in Public Procurement Procedures ActZakon o pravnem varstvu v postopkih javnega naročanja – ZPVPJN (Ur.l. RS 43/11, 60/11-ZTP-D, 63/13, 90/14 - ZDU-1I, 60/17, 72/19)
Foreigners ActZakon o tujcih – ZTuj-2 (Ur.l. RS  91/21*,  95/21 – corr.105/22 – ZZNŠPP,  48/23)
Employment Relationship ActZakon o delovnih razmerjih – ZDR-1 (Ur.l. RS 21/13, 78/13 (corr.), 47/15 – ZZSDT, 33/16 – PZ-F, 52/16, 15/17, 22/19 – ZPosS, 81/19, 203/20 – ZIUPOPDVE, 119/21 – ZČmIS-A, 202/21,  15/22,54/22 – ZUPŠ-1 )
Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners ActZakon o zaposlovanju,samozaposlovanju in delu tujcev – ZZSDT (Ur.l. RS 91/21*,  42/23)
Tax Procedure ActZakon o davčnem postopku – ZDavP-2 (13/11*, 32/12, 94/12, 101/13 - ZDavNepr, 111/13,25/14 – ZFU, 40/14 - ZIN-B, 90/14, 91/15, 63/16, 69/17, 13/18 – ZJF-H, 36/1966/19, 145/20203/20 – ZIUPOPDVE,  39/22 – ZFU-A. 52/22,87/22 ,  163/22)
Personal Income Tax ActZakon o dohodnini – ZDoh-2 (13/11*, 9/12, 24/12, 30/12, 40/12 - ZUJF, 75/12, 94/12, 96/13, 29/14, 50/14, 23/15, 55/15, 63/16, 69/17, 21/1928/19,66/19,39/22,  132/22 , 158/22)
Corporate Income Tax ActZakon o davku od dohodkov pravnih oseb – ZDDPO-2 (Ur.l. RS 117/06, 56/08, 76/08, 5/09, 96/09, 110/09 - ZDavP-2B, 43/10, 59/11, 24/12,30/12, 94/12, 81/13, 50/14,23/15, 82/15, 68/16, 69/17, 79/18, 66/19, 172/21, 105/22 – ZZNŠPP)
Law on Tax on Profit from Disposal of DerivativesZakon o davku od dobička od odsvojitve izvedenih finančnih instrumentov – ZDDOIFI (Ur.l. RS 65/08, 40/12-ZUJF, 66/19)
Value Added Tax ActZakon o davku na dodano vrednost – ZDDV-1 (Ur.l. RS 13/11*, 18/11, 78/11, 38/12, 40/12-ZUJF, 83/12, 46/13-ZIPRS1314-A, 101/13-ZIPRS1415, 86/14, 90/15, 77/18, 59/19, 72/19,  196/21 – ZDOsk,3/22, 29/22 – ZUOPDCE,  40/23 – ZDavPR-B)
Real Property Transaction Tax ActZakon o davku na promet nepremičnin – ZDPN-2 (Ur.l. RS 117/06, 25/16)
Gaming Tax ActZakon o davku od iger na srečo – ZDIS (Ur.l. RS 57/1999, 85/01- ZIS-A)
Tax on Winnings from Conventional Games of ChanceZakon o davku na dobitke pri klasičnih igrah na srečo – ZDDKIS (Ur.l. 24/08)
Tax on Lottery TicketsZakon o davku od srečk – ZdavS (Ur. l. RS 63/13)
Financial Services Tax ActZakon o davku na finančne storitve – ZDFS (Ur.l. RS 94/12, 90/14)
Insurance Contracts Tax ActZakon o davku od prometa zavarovalnih poslov – ZDPZP(Ur.l. RS 96/05,* 90/14)
Excise Duty ActZakon o trošarinah – Ztro-1 (Ur.l. RS 47/16, 92/21 ZTro-1A,  192/21, 140/22)
Fiscal Balance ActZakon za uravnoteženje javnih financ – ZUJF (Ur.l.RS 40/12, 96/12 – ZPIZ-2, 104/12 – ZIPRS1314, 105/12, 25/13, 46/13 – ZIPRS1314-A, 56/13 – ZŠtip-1, 63/13 – ZOsn-I, 63/13 – ZJAKRS-A, 99/13 – ZUPJS-C, 99/13 – ZSVarPre-C, 101/13 – ZIPRS1415 , 107/13, 85/14 , 95/14, 24/15, 90/15, 102/15, 63/16 – ZDoh-2R, 77/17 – ZMVN-1, 33/19 – ZMVN-1A, 72/19, 174/20– ZIPRS2122, 139/22 – ZSPJS-AA)
Accounting ActZakon o računovodstvu – ZR (Ur.l. RS 23/1999, 30/02 – ZJF-C, 114/06 - ZUE)
Slovenian Accounting StandardsSlovenski računovodski standardi (Ur.l. RS 95/15, 74/16 – corr., 23/17, 57/18, 81/18)
Auditing ActZakon o revidiranju – ZRev-2 (Ur.l. RS 65/08, 63/13 - ZS-K, 84/18, 115/21)
*Official consolidated text
Source:, May 2023